EmuParadise Shutters Downloads after 18 years

EmuParadise Shutters Downloads after 18 years

EmuParadise has shuttered downloads of ROMs from its site. Simply replacing the download link with a question mark that takes you to https://www.emuparadise.me/emuparadise-changing.php I’m sure you have all used EmuParadise over the last 18 years in some fashion or other.  For a long time, it has been the go to site for game ROMs and ..

Squirrel King – Mega Drive – Unlicensed Game Review

Squirrel King – Mega Drive – Unlicensed Game Review

There are probably not many of you that know about Squirrel King, but I recently found it in a list of unlicensed game roms on my PSP so I thought why not and decided to have a go at playing something that had not been given the Sega seal of approval and I expect to ..